The Budapest ML Forum in Hungary will return in June 5-8, 2023.
The conference will be organized in a hybrid format, co-hosted with the Budapest Data Forum. The Tutorial day (June 5), and the conference day (June 6) is planned to be attended in-person, while the last day (June 8) will be held online.
More details on the website.
About the conference
The Budapest ML Forum is a two-day international conference in hybrid format on data science, machine learning and AI.
The conference is organized in partnership with the Continental Artificial Intelligence Development Center Budapest.
Explore Budapest
The Budapest ML Forum will be held in the charming capital of Hungary. Discover more of the sights and opportunities what Budapest offers.
Key topics
Computer Vision
Data Science tools
Business & AI
AI Infrastructure
ML Case Studies
The program is guided by the Program Advisory Board and managed by the Program Committee
The detailed agenda with talk time slots are available here.
In-person at the Hotel Helia Budapest and streaming
(in Hungarian)
(in Hungarian )
Streaming only
English Speakers on Day 1

Rachel Berryman
Deputy Head of AI Center of Excellence, 50Hertz Transmission
Building up an AI Center of Excellence in an Energy Utility
Kabai Robert-Zsolt
Deep Learning for Point Cloud Team Lead Continental
AI-based multi-sensor fusion for solving challenging driving scenarios
Barra István
Principal Data Scientist II, Machine Learning Guild Leader, Cambridge Mobile Telematics
Making roads safer through Machine Learning

Julien Simon
Chief Evangelist, Hugging Face
Building NLP applications with Transformers

Kádár Ákos
ML Engineer, spaCy Core Developer, Explosion.AI
SpanCat: Named Entity Recognition in spaCy and beyond
Tilk Bence
Artificial Intelligence Engineer, Graphcore
Do you have a few minutes for an ImageNet training?English Speakers on Day 2

Ritchie Vink
Author of Polars, Xomnia
Introducing Polars: The fast(est) DataFrame library you may have heard of
Jay Wang
Graduate Student Researcher, Georgia Institute of Technology
StickyLand: Breaking the Linear Presentation of Computational Notebooks

Bill Franks
Director of the Center for Statistics and Analytical Research,
Kennesaw State University
Winning The Room: Creating And Delivering An Effective Data-Driven Presentation
Sinkó Máté
Director, Prospect AI - Betting Analytics
Machine Learning applications in the Online Gambling Industry

Pafka Szilárd, PhD
Chief Scientist, Epoch (USA)
Best Algorithm for Tabular/Business Data: Sorry, it's not deep learning
Hungarian Speakers

Ónozó Lívia
Head of Digitalization Technology Department, Central Bank of Hungary
Magyar híroldalak gazdasági szövegeinek szentiment elemzése mélytanuló hálózat segítségével
Feldmann Ádám Ph.D
Senior Lecturer, University of Pécs
HILANCO-GPTX, egy hétmilliárd paraméteres GPT-3 modell
Utassy Dávid
Data Scientist, Machine Learning Guild Leader, SEON Technologies
Magyarázható mesterséges intelligencia a csalás megelőzésben

Hárs Márton
Group Data Analytics Lead for Retail and Consumer Services, MOL Group
Mesterséges intelligencia a benzinkutakon
Kovács Lóránt
Központ vezető, Magyar Telekom
Telekom Vanda: Voice és Chat alapú Virtuális Asszisztens a gyakorlatban

Orbán Gergő
Group Leader, Wigner Research Centre for Physics
A biológiai látás által inspirált mesterséges látás
Schin Lotar
Senior Technical Domain Lead, OTP Bank
AI infrastruktúra az OTP Bankban: jelen, múlt, jövő
Fodor Szabolcs
Lead Data Scientist, United Consult
Modern Data Science platform kiválasztása az OTP-nél
Kelemen Kristóf
Biostatistician, Richter Gedeon
Gyógyszerfejlesztés ML technológiával: 3D képfeldolgozás
Nagy Enikő
AI Infrastructure Engineer, Continental
Milyen kihívásai vannak egy világszínvonalú MI klaszter létrehozásának?

Ridzi Péter
Head of Data Platform, Continental
Mit reggelizik a neurális háló? – Adatmenedzsment és MI

Fülöp Árpád
Machine Learning Engineer, Rollbar
Hogyan fejlesszünk Python csomagot? Tanulságok egy klaszterező csomag létrehozásából
Tickets and registration
The registration form is now live!
The first day of the conference is held in-person in Budapest (all talks will be streamed online),
the second day of the conference will be exclusively online.
For registering Hungarian-speaking attendees please see our Hungarian page
Day | First Minute until March 20 | Early Bird until April 10 | Standard |
Hybrid ticket (Day 1 in-person, Day 2 online) |
290 EUR | ||
Online only ticket (Online access for both days) |
220 EUR |